Barbara Marx Hubbard – The Generation One Intensive
What You Will Learn
The Generation One Intensive brings together ancient and contemporary wisdom and practices with an evolutionary understanding of our inner and outer world. It will be visionary, experiential, and focused on engaging in the conscious evolutionary journey in a powerful way.
Each week of the Intensive will include:
- The 52 Codes for Conscious Evolution, with practices to help you activate the Full Potential Self within you
- Core content teaching with Barbara and co-faculty, including time for questions and answers.
- Transformational coaching practices that you can apply at home
- Small group time to embody the practices
- Practices and meditations to apply in your daily life
- Online community to create a field of resonance and evolution
- Facilitation in small groups throughout the intensive
The Intensive Details
Module 1 (Recorded June 18, 25, July 9, 16)
Your Evolutionary Transformation
David Gershon
Gaining the Capacities: From Unitive Consciousness to a World that works for all
David Richo
Transference: When the Past is Present
Your journey will include:
- An integration of spiritual and social capacities
- Understanding the map of the path of evolutionary emergence leading to radical newness
- Beginning to integrate and apply the 52 Codes
- Explanation of what metamorphosis means and how to engage it consciously
- Understanding your place on the large map of humanity’s evolution
- Inviting essence to take dominion over ego in your being
- Establishing foundational practices for essence to create inner wholeness within you
- Rescripting and revisioning the old stories that live within us
- Healing past and emotional pain and disappointment
- Gestation of unitive consciousness
- Harnessing the power of new masculine and feminine cocreator archetypes
- Accessing your Full Potential Self and its energy
Module 2 (Recorded July 23, 30, Aug. 6, 13)
Activating Your Sacred Destiny
Jean Houston
Aligning with Your Soul’s Purpose
Carter Phipps
Becoming a True Evolutionary
Your journey will include:
- Making the commitment to go the “whole way” in this lifetime
- Accessing the evolutionary codes of destiny held in your Full Potential Self
- Identifying the core elements of your soul’s purpose and aligning with them
- Releasing old archetypes and images that restrain your soul’s mission
- Transmuting your energies of procreation into cocreation
- Unlocking the gifts of “suprasex” through learning to join your genius with others
- Marrying the characteristics of an evolutionary with sacred consciousness in your life
- Aligning your evolutionary personality with your soul so that you are integrated and aligned in your purpose
- Engaging transition practices that aim at landing you “on the other side” of the birth
- Foundational principles for cocreation with two or more
- Understanding the deep currents of a true evolutionary and how they manifest in your life
Module 3 (Recorded Aug. 20, 27, Sept. 10, 17)
Evolutionary Mysticism and Ultrahumanity
Chris Bache
Journeying through the Dark Night to the Early Dawn
Ilia Delio
Cosmogenesis, Ultrahumanity, and the Emergent Christ
Bruce Sanguin
The Emergence of the Loving Heart of Christ
Your journey will include:
- Understanding cosmogenesis and the relationship with your evolution
- Accessing the “Emergent Christ” and the “God Ahead”
- Expanding our vision for “ultrahumanity”
- How to access the core of the Christ-heart within you
- Applying an evolutionary perspective to love
- Seeing the New Testament stories with evolutionary eyes
- Activating the codes for the “new order” of the future
- Exploring reincarnation, life after death and post soul phenomenon
Module 4 (Recorded Sept. 24, Oct 1, 8, 15)
Creating the Beloved Community
Michael Beckwith
Tapping the Power of Sacred Community
Oscar Miro-Quesada
Indigenous Wisdom on Creating the Beloved Community
Your journey will include:
- A more profound understanding of how to bridge heaven and earth through ritual
- Practices for a successful community over the long-term
- Activating circles of local groups that share visions and goals
- Applying indigenous ways of knowing in your life
- Revealing the full meaning of Dr. King’s vision of the Beloved Community
Module 5 (Recorded Oct 22, 29, Nov 5, 12)
Designing a Synergistic Society
Michael Dowd
Religion 2.0: The Future Is Calling Us to Greatness
Katharine Roske & Rich Ruster
Cocreating Evolutionary Community
Your journey will include:
- Creating “synocracy” as the social foundation for Synergistic Society
- Getting the nuts-and-bolts of how to join the genius of more than one into a larger whole
- An illumination of the foundation for whole systems change
- Practical skills around the use and activation of the Wheel of Cocreation
- Synergistic decision-making: a case study with the Sisters of St. Joseph
- Self-governance as a process of individual and collective synergy
- An evolutionary insight into the nature of “sin” and its role within leadership
- Taking responsibility for healing and transforming without guilt
- The activation of New American Visions as part of a New Global Dream
Module 6 (Recorded Nov 19, Nov 26, Dec 3, 10)
Evolutionary Leadership
David Gershon
Social Empowerment 2.0
Peter Merry
Evolutionary Leaders in Generation One
Sister Helen Prejean
An Evolutionary Response to Violence – as illustrated in her film Dead Man Walking
Your journey will include:
- Skills for facilitating what’s emergent in your life and community
- Addressing the crisis of climate change as the evolutionary driver to foster a cocreative planetary culture: Social Synergy in Action
- Identifying the codes in you for evolutionary leadership
- Learning to build resilient communities that endure over time
- Envisioning and mapping your next steps as a leader
- Making the Evolutionary Community vision real at a local level
- Embedding the 52 codes into your daily life
- Learning to see justice as compassion and non-violence
- How crisis leads to social transformation
- Learning the steps toward social synergy
The Generation One Training Bonus Collection
The Sacred Communion Series:
Exploring the Frontiers of Personal Awakening
and the Planetary Shift
With Stephen Dinan and Barbara Marx Hubbard
In this monthly Thursday call – just for Generation One participants – we will enter into the mystery of creation together, with Stephen Dinan and Barbara Marx Hubbard pioneering the path through a cocreative sharing of their deepest knowing and exploring into the unknown together. Stephen will take off his CEO hat, open his mystic heart and tap his inner guidance to reveal what he knows about the evolutionary shift, the activation of the Christ, the deep karmic and energetic shifts required in our society, and the emergence of a new human template.
He’ll share his intimate inner guidance and wisdom in communion with Barbara, who will join with him in an exploration of our personal and collective awakening that goes beyond the mind, beyond known paradigms, into wholly new terrain that integrates our local selves with our divine selves and births a new reality. This will not be a didactic class but a sacred communion of pioneering souls, as the two co-creators of Birth 2012 explore their leading edge and then invite you to do the same together with them and in breakout groups. Barbara often describes this as “entering the Inner Monastery” together and Stephen calls this the creation of “Temple Time.” The result is a field of possibility that aligns us with our deepest Self and allows the Divine to manifest through us.
Bonus #1:
Synergy is Nature’s Way of Evolving
with Barbara and Elisabet Sahtouris
Evolutionary biologist, author and social innovator, Elisabet Sahtouris will explore with us nature’s recurring patterns of crises and quantum jumps through greater symbiosis, cooperation and innovation. She places current problems in the evolutionary context and reveals how we can best respond.
Bonus #2:
The Inner and Outer Expressions of Peace
with Barbara and James O’Dea
James O’Dea is one of great modern pioneers in peace building as it relates to evolutionary response to victim and victimizer and to violence and forgiveness. He is capable of facing the extreme destructive forms of human behavior with the wisdom of Sufi and indigenous spirituality, blended with modern science. In this leading edge dialogue, he will share with us the potential for bringing our inner wisdom into actions to transform our world as a peace ambassador.
Bonus #3:
“Spontaneous Evolution for Yourself and Our World”
with Barbara and Bruce Lipton
Evolutionary scientist Bruce Lipton has engendered a new movement in his understanding of the effect of belief and consciousness on the DNA itself. In this special bonus, we’ll build upon the groundbreaking work of The Biology of Belief as well as Spontaneous Evolution to give us the evolutionary guidelines to participate in the emergence of the radically new within us and in the world.
Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences.
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