Dear Friend,
If you want to create a huge and immediate surge in cash flow… for yourself, your business or a client’s business… this is going to be the most exciting message you’ve ever read.
Here’s why…
After more than 30 years as a serial entrepreneur, direct response copywriter and bestselling author, I’ve discovered some secrets you can start using IMMEDIATELY to make huge wads of cash.
It’s the fastest and most effective way to get a FLOOD of new customers, generate a massive surge in sales and make MAXIMUM PROFITS in record time.
But first I gotta tell ya…
The secrets I’m going to reveal in this letter are something “they” don’t want you to know.
I’m talking about all the “hired gun” copywriters who make their living writing sales copy for clients. They’re going to be madder than a nest of wet hornets on crystal meth when they see what I’m about to reveal.
Because this is a secret you can use to…
That’s it! You’re done for the day.
You close your laptop and leisurely enjoy the rest of your coffee… lounging around like a financially independent multimillionaire. Because the rest of the day is yours to do as you please.
Wanna play a round of golf while all the working stiffs are crammed into suffocating cubicles slaving away for “the man?”
Have at it. The day is yours.
Maybe you’ll take your wife out shopping in the middle of the day. So you can watch the look of surprise and delight on her face when you tell her to buy that fancy overpriced Louis Vuitton purse she’s been drooling over for years.
Or maybe you’ll finally take up that hobby or passion you’ve been putting off since you were young. The one you’ve always said you’d get to “one day.”
Whatever you want to do… YOU are in control of your time.
Every day is yours to do as you please.
Finally… you can relax and enjoy your life. Because you know that money is flooding into your account while you’re off doing whatever makes you happy.
Listen, I can tell you from decades of experience…
I’m Doberman Dan…
I’ve been a serial entrepreneur for over 30 years. And a direct response marketer and A-list copywriter for more than two decades.
I’ve started businesses and written copy in a whole slew of different markets. Just a few of the countless publications my work has appeared in are….
- Entrepreneur…
- Car & Driver…
- Investors Business Daily…
- Penthouse…
- Popular Mechanics…
- MuscleMag International…
- Popular Science…
- Flex…
- Success…
- Muscle & Fitness…
- Men’s Edge…
- IronMan…
- Black Belt Magazine…
- Muscular Development…
- Reps!
- Exercise For Men Only…
- Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness…
- Martial Arts Professional Magazine…
- Small Business Opportunities…
- Home Business Magazine…
- The National Enquirer…
- Weekly World News…
- And THOUSANDS of high circulation newspapers.
As a serial direct response “bootstrap” entrepreneur, I’ve started a plethora of businesses on my kitchen table. With nothing more than a yellow pad, a blue pen and the squishy gray matter between my ears.
Many of these “kitchen table businesses” have supported me with a lifestyle that would be envied by the most successful CEOs in the country.
Several were created under great financial duress… with nothing but spit, grit and duct tape. I was broke, my back was against the wall and the wolf was at the door. So I was FORCED to run my idea up the flagpole to see how many people would salute it with their wallets.
Sure I’ve had my share of failures. That’s par for the course in the life of a serial entrepreneur.
But several of these “ready-fire-aim” businesses have gone on to make millions.
I’ve sold a couple of my info businesses for big paydays. I’ve also sold three nutritional supplement businesses I started from my kitchen table. That allowed me to enjoy several multi-year stints of “mini retirement.”
I’ve also been hired by some of the most successful entrepreneurs and marketers in the country. Most recently, a $1 BILLION a year “800 lb. gorilla” direct marketing company — one the biggest and most successful in the world — hired me to launch their new nutritional supplement business.
But believe me… I didn’t have any advantages getting started as an entrepreneur. I’m an average guy who barely made it through Barberton High School in Ohio.
I picked the wrong parents so there was no million-dollar trust fund or rich uncle to help fund my entrepreneurial pursuits. In fact, to describe my upbringing as “lower middle class” is being overly generous.
Like I said… the ONLY things I had available to start all these businesses were a yellow notepad, blue pen and my somewhat eccentric brain.
My first 10 years as an entrepreneur…
I Had To “Bootstrap” Every Business I Started…
And it was NOT easy.
Every single business was started on a shoestring budget. And for the first few years things were extremely lean. Most of the time I was so broke I went out on a limb and financed all my start-up costs on multiple credit cards.
I worked around the clock. (Because I had a MORE than full time job as a police officer in Dayton, Ohio.) I sold most of my personal belongings, cancelled my cable TV and drove a 15-year-old “bucket of bolts” car… just so I could invest every possible penny in getting the business going. I even skipped meals so I could invest my grocery money into testing marketing ideas.
And like so many other entrepreneurs, I hit my share of roadblocks. (Actually “roadblocks” doesn’t even come close to describing the disasters, disappointments and difficulties I endured.)
During the first nine long years of my serial entrepreneurial journey — before I discovered direct response marketing — every single one of my businesses crashed and burned. Leaving me defeated, depressed and in neck-deep in debt.
I felt like the biggest loser in the world.
That was until I discovered some little known secrets of the “ole skool” mail order/direct marketing masters. I studied that classic marketing material like a 15-year-old boy studies online porn.
Then I adapted and applied these secrets to one of my struggling and “on life support” businesses at the time and…
It Grew My Sales 1,407% In Only Five Months!
It was an amazing time. “Life changing” would be the understatement of the decade. An astonishing “before and after.”
I was broke, drowning in debt… and for a while actually homeless and living in my car with my Doberman… skipping meals so I’d have the money to run test ads.
A mere five months later…
I Was Putting 6-Figures A MONTH Into My Pocket!
Since then I’ve been on a mission. A mission to share these successful tactics, strategies and secrets for building an online business FAST.
You see, growing your business as quickly as possible and making a lot of money are great. But the way most entrepreneurs go about it makes you a slave to your business.
Sure, you may make an above average income… but you have no life. Your business is an all-consuming mistress. And you’re not the only one who pays the price. It takes a HUGE toll on your family, too.
Instead… what I have to share with you is a unique way of building your business that gives you incredible time and lifestyle freedom.
Because when money doesn’t control you… and you have time freedom… life becomes pretty darn spectacular.
First of all, you just plain FEEL better… because you no longer have that always-present weight on your shoulders. The weight you feel from others controlling your life.
And the ever-present FEAR you feel… deep in your solar plexus.
From lack of money…
From your boss always yanking your chain…
And being forced to jump when he says “jump.” Because you need the money.
When you do what I’m about to show you, you can be…
FREE From Your Financial Slavery!
Finally… you can do with your life what you could have been doing… and should do now…
LIVE it!
If you’re already in business but your business isn’t producing the income you desire…
…and is growing slower than you want…
What I’m about to share with you is the solution for all that.
The BEST solution.
The FASTEST solution.
Because what you’re about to discover is the final piece of the puzzle you’ve been missing. The master key to growing your business (and your income) as fast — and as BIG — as you desire.
It’s the most important skillset you can possibly have in business. I’m talking about the ability to get your customers…
Spending Money Like Drunken Politicians In A Las Vegas Strip Club!
And how do you do that?
A couple ways actually.
First, by developing the skill of creating perfect “can’t miss” offers that trigger a buying frenzy.
Second and equally important… by developing the ability to…
Consistently Craft Colossal Converting Copy!
Without those two abilities your business will always remain a constant struggle.
However… when you DO have those two abilities… you can build your business (and your personal income) as BIG and FAST as you desire.
Listen, you’re one smart cookie to want those abilities. Because with those skills… and ONLY those two skills… you can be free from money worries the rest of your life.
And, should you choose, you can…
Make More Money Than Any Sane Person Ever Needs!
I’m not just talkin’ “millionaire next door” rich either. (Although that IS nice.)
If you’re willing to work for it… I’m talkin’ Rolls Royce-driving… diamond-encrusted Rolex-wearing… private jet-flying… 155 meter yacht, “cruising-with-a-bevy-of-busty-supermodels” rich.
If that’s what you’re into, it can be yours. (I’ve even helped a few entrepreneurs who have done it.)
Or maybe you’re like me… less flamboyant and more lifestyle driven. Even though you COULD have all the toys, you prefer a more under-the-radar financial freedom…
The freedom to do whatever you want, whenever you want… with whomever you want.
I know that what I just shared might seem a little over the top. But look, after more than 22 years of in-the-trenches experience honing my chops to become a veritable virtuoso of these valuable and virtuous skills… I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt…
Once you discover what I’m about to share with you…
Any Life You Imagine Can Be Yours!
And that’s exactly what I’m going to show you… with help from online marketer extraordinaire, Terry Dean.
Terry’s one of the very, very few online marketers I trust to give me the straight scoop on what’s working RIGHT NOW in online marketing.
And he should know. He’s a PIONEER in online marketing. Terry has been selling REAL products in REAL consumer markets online (not scammy biz-op crap) since 1996… the Wild West days of the Internet.
Also Terry has worked as a coach and consultant to business owners in hundreds of different markets and niches. He and his clients have sold everything from tennis products…to scrapbooking…to weight loss…to chiropractic services…to automobiles…and just about everything in between.
He was broke and in debt…stumbling from one dead-end job to another…when he discovered the Internet way back in 1996. He went from delivering pizzas for Little Caesar’s for 8 measly bucks an hour to creating a multi-million-dollar online business.
After a couple of years of doing things on his own and under the radar, his brilliance was discovered by the marketing community. Terry was invited to be a keynote speaker at some of the earliest Internet marketing conferences…where he shocked attendees by demonstrating how much money flowed through his shopping cart and into his bank accounts… during the actual conference!
He founded one of the first membership sites for online marketers…which read like a Who’s Who of today’s top marketing gurus. He has even been called one of the “grandfathers of internet marketing.”
He sold that first business in 2004, eliminated the travel, and took his first 18-month mini-retirement at 30 years old.
Terry is not one for the limelight. That’s why he has been privately consulting with a limited number of clients behind the scenes in hun
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