Hale Dwoskin – Letting Go Made Easy
The scientifically validated Sedona Method will enable you to quickly and easily let go of anything holding you back from financial abundance, emotional wellness, improved relationships, and radiant health.
It will help you create the life that you choose for yourself NOW. This means you will literally be free to have, be and do whatever you will or desire. This process is backed by a mountain of scientific research, celebrity endorsements and the success of hundreds of thousands of people just like you who have achieved amazing breakthrough results in EVERY area of their lives.
Here is just some of what you can expect to achieve:
- Higher Self-esteem and Self-confidence
- Much Greater Relaxation and Clarity in Action at Rest
- Freedom from the Debilitating Effects of Anger, Anxiety, Depression, Stress, Tension, Grief and Fear
- The Freedom to Live Life Fully, Happily, and Joyously every Moment
- Unshakable Inner Peace, Contentment and Satisfaction
Video Course Contents
- From Chaos to Serenity (63 minutes)
- The Keys to Lasting Success and Emotional Well-Being (62 minutes)
- Abundance Now (60 minutes)
- Love Now (58 minutes)
- Radiant Health and Well-Being Now (59 minutes)
- Peace Now (60 minutes)
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