Dr. Karen – Unlock Your SuperPowers Package A 2023
7 R’s Recorded Training Modules MP4
Awaken Your Superpowers AM MP3
Augment Your Superpowers PM MP3
Unlock Your Superpowers Private Facebook Support Group
Bonus: Entity Clearing and Protection Spray and Elixir formula MP4
7 R’s Formula for Masterful Manifesting Training Videos
Value $7000
Format: 7 Training Modules MP4
In these seven modules, you’ll learn the 7 R’s formula for training to become masterful at manifesting. By the end of the 7th module you’ll not only have an understanding of what is blocking you from manifesting your desires, you’ll get to experience first-hand how to “flex” your manifesting muscles.This is an active training program, meaning that your past and current personal experiences will be an integral and enriching part of your training.
Connect to your deepest desires and use that energy for manifesting
Craft the Vision of your New Life in the language the Universe can understand
Connect yourself to Source, your Vision and your Higher Self
Recognize and effectively deal with inevitable self-sabotage that crops up the minute we start growing in a bold new direction
Create an anchor to your New Life
Learn what is required to optimally resonate your vibration to your New Life
Discover a quick 2-minute test to know how closely you are manifesting on your Divine Path
Understand the 6 main blocks to manifesting what you desire and open the space to clear them from your life
Recognize and effectively deal with inevitable self-sabotage that crops up the minute we start growing in a bold new direction
Learn the difference between inner and outer resistance and how to release them
Clear entities, curses, vows, oaths, contracts, cords and other negative energies from multiple timelines
Release and rewire negative Core Beliefs that manifest your current reality
Discover the “tests” or challenges the Universe will gift to you so that you can grow into your New Life
Learn specific Enlightened Processes to “flex” and train your manifesting muscles
Practice the fastest way to do telepathy to heal conflict in relationships
How to easily recognize when your past is still holding back your future New Life
How quantum re-writing of your past negative experiences works to manifest a better future
Powerful Enlightened Processes that you can apply to any past trauma so you can fully process it
How to activate a Universal law to co-create your bright future
The words and phrases to avoid saying in order to manifest positive outcomes
Which types of questions are useful to ask (of Source) and which ones are not
Fun Enlightened Processes to reclaim your manifesting Superpowers
Understand the manifesting cycle so you won’t be surprised when things don’t happen as expected
Learn how to predict when you’re going to be “tested” or challenged by the Universe
Train your manifesting muscles in real life situations to give you feedback on how well your training is going
Learn how to assess and align your conscious and subconscious minds with Source
Optimize and ground to your Crystalline Body Blueprint and take out any vulnerabilities written there if allowed by Source
Open and expand your receiving channels
Optimize and automatically refill your Love Particles to capacity
Expand your “God Team” to include those that specialize in what you’re desiring to manifest
Experience fun and enlightened processes that show the Universe that you are READY to receive and to be abundant
7 R’s Formula for Masterful Manifesting Training Videos
Format: 7 Training Modules MP4
In these seven modules, you’ll learn the 7 R’s formula for training to become masterful at manifesting. By the end of the 7th module you’ll not only have an understanding of what is blocking you from manifesting your desires, you’ll get to experience first-hand how to “flex” your manifesting muscles.This is an active training program, meaning that your past and current personal experiences will be an integral and enriching part of your training.
7 R’s Formula for Masterful Manifesting Training Audio
Value: $7000
Format: 7 Training Modules MP3
Audio recordings of the 7 training modules (see description above)
7 R’s Formula for Masterful Manifesting Training Worksheets
Value: $250
For each training worksheet, you’ll receive the slides from each video module as well as the accompanying training exercises that are yours to complete. Your participation is pivotal to your personal success in this program. The more committed your participation, the more profound the results!
Awaken Your Superpowers AM
Value: $333
Format: MP3 Frequency-infused music with voice.
Awaken Your Superpowers AM is your daily morning energy healing session. It assists in clearing the next layer of non-supportive or negative energies that is ready to be released and it assists in grounding your New Life Vision into your physical reality. This MP3 helps support your Vitality (Qi), mental clarity, definiteness of purpose and the positive emotions of joy, peace, and love. This MP3 is automatically upgraded energetically during naturally occurring Ascension events to enhance its power and efficiency (no need to re-download!).
Augment Your Superpowers PM
Value: $434
Format: MP3 Frequency-infused music with voice
Augment Your Superpowers PM is your evening energy healing session designed to enhance and sustain stronger connection with Source, Higher Self, and your New Life Vision. It assists with clearing low vibrational energies from the Subconscious and Conscious minds and re-aligns them with Source. It also assists with releasing and rewiring painful memories, transforming and transmuting those energies to aid in the manifesting process. This MP3 is automatically upgraded energetically during naturally occurring Ascension events (no need to re-download!) to enhance its power and efficiency.
Awaken Your Superpowers AM music no voice
Value: $333
Format: MP3 Frequency-infused music without voice.
Awaken Your Superpowers AM is your daily morning energy healing session. It assists in clearing the next layer of non-supportive or negative energies that is ready to be released and it assists in grounding your New Life Vision into your physical reality. This MP3 helps support your Vitality (Qi), mental clarity, definiteness of purpose and the positive emotions of joy, peace, and love. This MP3 is automatically upgraded energetically with naturally occurring Ascension events (no need to re-download!) to enhance its power and efficiency.
Augment Your Superpowers PM music no voice
Value: $434
Format: MP3 Frequency-infused music without voice.
Augment Your Superpowers PM is your evening energy healing session designed to enhance and sustain stronger connection with Source, Higher Self, and your New Life Vision. It assists with clearing low vibrational energies from the Subconscious and Conscious minds and re-aligns them with Source. It also assists with releasing and rewiring painful memories, transforming and transmuting those energies to aid in the manifesting process. This MP3 is automatically upgraded energetically during naturally occurring Ascension events (no need to re-download!) to enhance its power and efficiency.
Awaken Your Superpowers AM soundless
Value: $333
Format: MP3 Frequency-infused music without voice.
Awaken Your Superpowers AM is your daily morning energy healing session. It assists in clearing the next layer of non-supportive or negative energies that is ready to be released and it assists in grounding your New Life Vision into your physical reality. This MP3 helps support your Vitality (Qi), mental clarity, definiteness of purpose and the positive emotions of joy, peace, and love. This MP3 is automatically upgraded energetically with naturally occurring Ascension events (no need to re-download!) to enhance its power and efficiency.
Augment Your Superpowers PM soundless
Value: $434
Format: MP3 Frequency-infused music without voice.
Augment Your Superpowers PM is your evening energy healing session designed to enhance and sustain stronger connection with Source, Higher Self, and your New Life Vision. It assists with clearing low vibrational energies from the Subconscious and Conscious minds and re-aligns them with Source. It also assists with releasing and rewiring painful memories, transforming and transmuting those energies to aid in the manifesting process. This MP3 is automatically upgraded energetically during naturally occurring Ascension events (no need to re-download!) to enhance its power and efficiency.
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