Breathwork Summit 2021
Exhale. Inhale.
2020 was quite a year…
… and it’s time to go from “holding our breath” and begin to breathe fully again.
Are you ready to release the over-worry and shock you’ve been holding for so long — and revitalize your body and mind? As 2021 begins, you have a new opportunity to support your nervous system, unwind, reset, and settle into a calmer baseline.
It may be reassuring to know that — even when you’re not trying — your body is breathing. No matter how exhausted, bereaved, or stressed you are, the breath is still there.
That’s a big part of what makes breathwork so magical and essential… it’s always only a millisecond away. Like a beloved friend, the allyship of your own breath is always available to you — and it doesn’t require a nearby gym, fancy equipment, or advanced physical prowess.
After a year of upheaval, uncertainty, and collective fear around our respiratory health, this summit provides a safe space to unwind, unplug from anxiety, and tap into the miraculous healing power of your own breath.
During this four-day online gathering of soulful breathwork professionals and dedicated practitioners, we’ll move from collective gasp, to deep diaphragmatic breathing again.
Together we can lay the groundwork to heal and to thrive.
The Shift Network’s returning and much-loved Breathwork Summit reveals the science, art, and power of full-spectrum breathing… as our extraordinary speakers share simple, yet deep breathwork practices to move you from stress, stagnation, and depletion into easeful states infused with vitality and alertness and greater joy in life.
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