Andrea Nakayama – The Rejuvenation Course
What You’ll Learn: Course Overview
Your new level of health and vitality begins with cleansing three powerful organs: your liver, your small intestines, and your heart.
Powerful, even sacred pathways exist between your emotions and these three vital organs.
Cleansing them releases accumulated toxins and long-held emotional “waste,” freeing up more of your vitality – more of you so that you can contribute your unique gifts to the Shift in our world.
Class 1: Clearing Out the Inner Clutter (July 30)
Just like your breath, toxins flow in and they flow out of your body.
But because of food indulgences, the environment and internal toxins, you, like most people, could benefit from a deep digestive toxic exhalation – especially if you’ve recently experienced chronic or acute digestive distress.
This first class will begin the process of clearing out the inner clutter.
Even if you already eat a great diet, this step will help you optimize your body’s ability to utilize those nutrients and reap the rewards of slowing down, grounding and feeling good as a result of caring for your digestive system.
Whether you’re a new or experienced cleanser, digestive detoxification is a profound way to begin feeling lighter, fresher, enlivened, and ready to maximize your immune-boosting potential.
In this session you will:
- Set personal intentions for the 21-day cleanse
- Learn how cleansing differs from dieting or fasting
- Explore the emotional experience of digestive cleansing
- Learn about the different kinds of toxins and how to choose the path of least toxicity
Class 2: Looking Closely at the Key to Your Physical and Mental Health (August 2)
Did you know that 70% of your immune system is located in the gut lining?
Your small intestine serves a vital purpose beyond digestion. It’s the key to your physical and mental health.
Problems like diarrhea and constipation are the result of consuming foods that are fermenting, putrefying or otherwise inflaming the small intestines.
When you gain a deeper understanding of physiology and how the gut relates to your digestion, nutrient absorption, immune system and mental health, you’ll understand how crucial a cleanse is to your overall wellbeing.
In this session you will:
- Journey into your digestive system to reacquaint yourself with the role and proper functioning of the small intestine in assimilation and elimination
- Learn what’s needed to healthfully digest and absorb food in your body and what happens when your gut is not functioning properly
- Explore why the health of your small intestine is so critical to your heart and your mental and emotional state
- Find out what you can do to address conditions such as fatigue, mood swings, arthritis, eczema and MORE
Class 3: Remove, Replace, Reinoculate and Repair (August 6)
Bacteria, good and bad, are circulating through your body at all times.
The digestive cleanse protocol and recipes will ensure you’re doing your part to keep those bacteria in balance. In this class, you’ll also learn what you can do after the cleanse to ensure that you are continuing to keep your body well populated with good bacteria.
In this session you will:
- Learn about the great health benefits of smoothies and juices and ideas for making a blended meal nutritionally and digestively optimal
- Explore the importance and proper use of probiotics, herbs and supplements for healing your GI tract
- Learn what to do if you break your cleanse
- Gain ideas about moving into and out of your cleanse, as well as maintaining LASTING results
Class 4: Amplifying Your Powers for Internal & External Renewal (August 9)
Your primary organs of detoxification-the liver and gallbladder-are working constantly to rid your body of difficult-to-digest fats, caffeine, alcohol, and even certain proteins.
It’s time to give them a break. This is your opportunity to temper your dietary input and amplify your innate powers of detoxification.
A liver cleanse creates an internal state of renewal, awakening, and rebirth mirroring the external transformations happening all around you. It’s also both evolutionary and revolutionary for your mind as well as your body.
Drawing on the wisdom of Chinese Five Elements, Ayervedic traditions, Qui Gong and more, you’ll gain knowledge, techniques and recipes necessary to move into the liver cleanse with a clear vision and a renewed sense of purpose.
In this session you will:
- Embrace your cleanse as an opportunity for change and awakening
- Listen closely to your body and tap into your primordial connection to the season
- Explore the emotional experience of liver and gallbladder cleansing
- Review your Protocol in detail and choose the appropriate cleansing level for yourself
Class 5: Taking Out the Trash – Literally – in Your Body (August 13)
What’s so important about the liver and gallbladder? And what happens if you neglect them?
You take out the trash in your home so it doesn’t pile up around you and make you sick. And you must do the same thing inside your body for your liver and gallbladder!
This cleanse and detoxification is all about letting go of waste in your body – some of which comes from your body itself, such as excess estrogens, toxic neurotransmitters, undigested food, fungi, yeasts as well as stress and negative emotions.
Many toxins and waste products also come from the environment, and even from what you put on your skin.
In this session you will:
- Find your liver and gallbladder
- Go into the anatomy and physiology of these filtering organs
- Learn what a key role they play in your overall health and wellness
- Learn the best ways to love and care for your liver and gallbladder
Class 6: Personalize Your Liver Cleanse (August 16)
Once you’ve chosen your level of cleanse, you can deepen your cleansing experience by personalizing the protocol even further with supplements, superfoods and other lifestyle practices.
Perhaps you want to cleanse during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Maybe you are post-chemo, recovering from an illness, or still growing and developing.
In this session, you’ll learn how to modify your cleanse to accommodate any life phase you may be in as well as which practices from your liver cleanse you can carry into your everyday life.
The protocols and recipes are easily incorporated into whatever current diet you have.
In this session you will:
- Learn about fat, protein and the importance of eating organic foods
- Gain a deeper understanding of the role of supplements during a cleanse
- Reflect on your everyday lifestyle practices, including hydration, digestion, rest, elimination and exercise
- Integrate the tools and techniques from prior weeks to carry you forward into your everyday life beyond the cleanse
Bonus #1: A Powerful Integration Session with Andrea (August 20)
For this final live class, you will have the opportunity to powerfully integrate all that you’ve learned from the 21-day rejuvenation program and cleanse! Andrea will answer your final questions and help set you up for a lifetime of healthy habits and ways you can rejuvenate from the inside out, anytime you need.
Bonus #2: Detoxing Your Domain for a Safe & Healthy Home LIVE Session
Guest Faculty: Environmental Toxins Expert Lara Adler (August 23)
Many of the toxins that stress and compromise your body come from exposure to chemicals found in common household items. These chemicals can impact everything from weight gain to infertility to thyroid disease to increased risk of cancers. Protecting your health goes well beyond diet, exercise and stress management!
Stopping the flow of toxins from coming into the body starts with having a clean, healthy and toxins-free home. When you start to make simple changes at home you can dramatically improve your health and reduce your risk of disease.
A “Domain Detox” is the perfect next step in achieving optimal health and wellness.
In this session you will:
- Learn just how much of an impact chemical toxins can have on your health, and why it’s so important to be making shifts in the products you’re likely using now
- Discover what common kitchen staples can deliver significant doses of toxins each time you use them
- Explore what simple, easy and affordable steps you can start taking now to reduce your toxic exposure
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