Shawn Coyne – Heroic Journey 2.0
Heroic Journey Update for 21st Century
Science is the most comprehensive-Based instruction on the heroic voyage and how it applies in your writing.
Story Grid’s Latest Update to the Heroic Journey
If you’re interested in storytelling at all, you know there’s an ancient roadmap All stories have a source code that is similar to the software’s source code. Across time and cultures, all humans understand this code, even if we can’t quite explain it.
This invisible map or code helps your characters navigate and find meaning in their world, and it connects you intimately with your readers, providing them with the emotional catharsis they’re looking for in a Story that works.
This code is referred to as the shorthand writer and editor. The Heroic Journey. You’ve seen it on the screen in Star Wars and Black Panther and on stage in Hamilton. You’ve buried yourself in thousands of pages of it, from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz to The Hobbit to the many adventures of Harry Potter.
The Heroic Journey Our stories have been powered by this power for millennia. But no one began to explore how it works until Carl Jung, psychologist, and Joseph Campbell discovered how the key characteristics of the Journey Crossed time and cultures in The Hero with a Thousand Faces, 1940s.
What lessons have we learned in the past 70 years? How has the code for our stories’ software been upgraded in the past 70 years?
We are glad you asked.
The Next Generation Heroic Journey For a new generation of storytellers
There’s no doubt that we are living through an extraordinary moment in the human journey. We need to understand the difference between heroism or anti.-As heroes never have before, As storytellers, as well as citizens, the world is experiencing rapid environmental, economic and social changes. We need new, powerful stories to overcome our trials and continue our journey.
If we don’t understand the whole story, we’ll fall for only half of one.
The Story Grid: What Good Editors Should Know in 2015 has been published. Shawn Coyne has taken a fresh look at Jung and Campbell, the original hackers of the Hero’s JourneyHe studied cognitive science and philosophy, and explored multi-cultural approaches to Story. What has emerged is a new approach that fits the moment we’re experiencing now, blending insights from the arts and humanities with cutting edge revelations from the sciences.
The result is an update Heroic Journey 2.0 for today’s writers, an upgraded method for navigating your way from the beginning to the end of your story, including a “Journey to the Bottom of Existence” That sheds light onto the anti-heroic journey.
Inspiration and inspiration from master storytellers of the past and present
This course framework was created by Coyne Analyzed timeless masterworks and revisited to find the common patterns and ideas. As participants, you’ll join Shawn in examining L. Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit as case studies that illustrate how to use Story Grid tools and methods and The Heroic Journey Anti and the Anti-Heroic Journey You can enrich your own work.
Together, you can Shawn will dig deep into Hamilton—a contemporary theatrical masterpiece andpitch-Perfect example of The Heroic Journey It encompasses many storytelling genres.
What you will learn in of Heroic Journey 2.0…
First Principles
Everything you need to know about how stories work down to their most basic components.
Plato, Kant, & Jung
A crash course on human behavior and how our minds create and process stories
Heroic Journey 1.0
Back to basics: Exploring Joseph Campbell’s theory of the Hero’s Journey monomyth.
Origin of Story
Storytellers were our ancestors as humans. Here’s a look at how stories define us as a species.
Integration of Cognitive Science
Contributions to cutting-Understanding stories that work requires cutting-edge brain science.
Heroic Journey 2.0
Rescuing the best aspects of Campbell’s monomyth and updating it for our contemporary world.
Integration Heroic Journey 2.0
How Action and Worldview story supports and integrates with Heroic Journey 2.0.
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