Holden QiGong – Iron Shirt Qi Gong Online Course
What’s a Cohort and What’s the Schedule?
A cohort means you’re progressing through a pre-recorded course on a set schedule along with everyone else who enrolls.
The cohort begins Monday, May 13th. On this date, you’ll get access to Module 1. There will be a total of three modules released over a 7-week period.
Here’s the schedule:
Module 1: May 13th – May 26th
Module 2: May 27 – June 9
Module 3: June 10th – June 30th
Meet Your Guide: Lee Holden
Lee is an internationally known master Qi Gong instructor and an expert in making ancient wisdom applicable to modern life. He is also a licensed acupuncturist, herbalist, and successful author. He’s been featured on American Public Television and PBS stations throughout the U.S. and Canada.
With his DVDs, Public Broadcasting specials, classes, workshops, and teacher certification program, Lee has helped thousands of students maximize their energy, slow their aging process, and feel better than ever.
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