Abra’s Kitchen – The 7 Day Gut Health Program
DAY ONE: What is Leaky Gut
Learn what leaky gut, or intestinal permeability is. Discover what foods and lifestyle factors contribute to leaky gut.
DAY TWO: How to Heal Leaky Gut
Remove triggers, learn which foods your body has turned into allergies, food rotation and supplements to repair the damage.
DAY THREE: Creating a Meal Plan
Learn the best foods that can help you recover from leaky gut and how to incorporate them into your daily life. How to plan meals with proper macronutrient ratios and which foods must be purchase organic.
DAY FOUR: Introspection for Clarity
Turn inward and listen to your body – Journaling is a powerful tool that can help you understand your symptoms and correlate them to your lifestyle habits. Keeping a food diary and symptom journal can speed up your healing process.
DAY FIVE: Toxins in Your Environment
Toxicities in your environment that could be contributing to your symptoms and leaky gut – learn about toxins in your food, home, clothing, cleaning products, and beauty products. Many things we’re exposed to daily can negatively affect our gut health, hormones, and overall health.
DAY SIX: Exercise
Movement and being active is a powerful tool that can make you feel better mentally and become a happier person.
DAY SEVEN: Alternatives in Healing Leaky Gut
Today we review alternatives to traditional gut-healing techniques including essential oils, vegan diets and more.
It Works!
This program has personal meaning for me. Under a doctor’s care, this is the regimen I followed 4 years ago.
After a year of invasive, expensive GI testing and no diagnosis, I’d almost given up. With these changes, I noticed a difference in 24 hours! I went from being home-bound 1/2 the day to freedom of movement and a whole new health and energy.
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