Authors Writing Academy
Course Description
Salepage : Authors Writing Academy
Delivery : Online With Any Device
An online community designed to help writers find their idea, plan, write and publish their book
If you want to become a successful published author, then this page will probably be extremely interesting to you because you’re about to find out the proven, simple formula for writing a book that sells, used by best-selling authors like Pat Flynn. I know where you’re at. For years I dreamt about writing a book. I thought about it many times and even kept a journal with book titles, ideas and the beginnings of several books.
But I never actually finished anything.
I knew why I wanted to write a book but I had no idea how to actually finish a book.
Even though I had been a teacher most of my adult life, I struggled to know what the steps were to write a book. Honestly, I felt a little embarrassed by the whole situation.
Finally, in 2007 I decided to publish my first book. It was exciting; I edited the book, prepared the manuscript, created a cover and even published it and tried to sell it on Amazon, but no one really bought the book, not even my mother. I had no reviews and only sold a handful of copies.
I had finally written a book and yet there were still missing pieces.
I had no idea what a bestselling book
cover needed to include.
I discovered the hard way that the unprofessional cover of my book totally sabotaged any chance it may have had of being successful!
On top of that, if anyone had bought it they probably would have left a bad review because I didn’t hire an editor and just figured I could do it myself. (Bad idea)
I didn’t fully understand how print on-demand services such as CreateSpace worked and how to sell my book on Amazon, I learned the hard way that putting a book in Kindle required special formatting.
Essentially, I had written a book, but I
realized I was far from being
considered an author.
Since those early days, I read dozens of books about writing and publishing. I took several online courses to learn the secrets and the tricks of the self-publishing world.
I had always assumed writing a good book would take a long time, but once I discovered how to do it the right way, it all clicked into place at lightning speed. In fact, I wrote the first draft of the book in just 30 days.
Most importantly, I learned that becoming an author is about much MORE than just writing a book; an author’s job is to learn the business of selling a book.
So, I created the Authors Writing Academy to help people not only to write the book that they have always wanted to write but to become a respected, published author.
In my experience working with dozens of authors in many different niches I’ve learned a few things. First, if you want to write a book you must understand why.
Many people with good intentions and desires never finish writing a book because when it gets tough they give up. Having a strong why gives you the incentive and motivation to finish the entire book publishing process.
So let me ask you a couple of questionsbecause if you’ve read this far then you are clearly interested in becoming an author
Do you want to use your book to make a carreer change?
You MUST know exactly why your book matters, or you will end up disappointing yourself.
For me, I saw the power of opportunities to connect to mentors and start making a great living doing something I was passionate about. I saw my book as a bridge between the life I had, and the life I wanted.
You probably also know that writing a book can be a challenging process. A lot of people feel totally alone. They wrestle with self-doubt and fear. Yes, writing can be a horribly painful and difficult process if you attempt to do it in isolation. But it doesn’t have to be when you are a part of a community.
By joining others on the same mission, you instantly gain the power of community.
(social scientists call this the -unity principle)
This power of community can give you the confidence you need to push forward and finish your book. That’s what the Authors Writing Academy provides.
WE will teach you how to find a winning idea, create a writing plan for your book, and help you be a published author.
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