Chris Prahl – Clickminded Google Analytics Course
When was the last time you opened Google Analytics, if ever?
I remember the first time I did. It was terrifying.
For over 4 years, here’s what happened every time I opened Google Analytics:
- I wanted to know which channels were growing my business, so I looked at sources of traffic.
- Then I wanted to know what content was driving the traffic, so I looked at landing pages.
- Then I wanted to know if people were sticking around, so I looked at bounce rates.
- Then I wanted to know if they had purchased a product, so I tried setting up goals.
- Then I looked at 20 or 30 other metrics.
- Finally, I realized I spent 4 hours making sense of Google Analytics, I hadn’t learned anything valuable, and I wasn’t any closer to improving my business.
Then I did the next most logical thing:
I curled up in a ball, started crying, and didn’t open Google Analytics again for another 3 months.
Sound familiar?
Look, it’s not just you.
I’ve met people at startups and massive companies that have worked with some of the best data scientists in the world—and even they have a hard time figuring this stuff out!
When it comes to digital marketing analytics, there is a LOT to digest.
- There are hundreds of metrics you can track and thousands of ways to analyze them.
- Implementing Google Analytics starts to feel overwhelming when you want to start tracking what matters: events, goals, and transactions.
- There’s never enough time to get tracking and reporting set up the right way.
And more importantly:
- How do you turn all of this data into actions that will help you get more traffic and sales?
It doesn’t have to be like this.
What if you could get 99% of the insight you need by focusing on just 5 core metrics?
Don’t believe all the “big data” hype.
For most businesses, analytics is less about big data and more about relentlessly optimizing for the few metrics that actually matter.
Radically narrowing your focus can allow you to:
- Show your clients exactly how your strategies help them grow their business
- Easily track the health of your own business and make data-driven decision to get more traffic and sales
- Create a powerful digital marketing strategy to present to your company’s management
That’s what the right analytics strategy will do for you.
The best part? This isn’t really that hard (take it from me, a B- student in 10th-grade math)
The ClickMinded Web Analytics Training teaches you EXACTLY how to double conversions for ANY business with laser-focused tracking
This is just a taste of what you’ll get in the course.
Understanding analytics within the context of YOUR business
- What you need and don’t need to do get massive insights from Google Analytics (learning how to ask. the right questions is key)
- A framework to understand metrics that matter at each stage of the funnel (this will allow you to make the biggest impact with the least amount of effort)
Demystifying Google Analytics
- Why Google Analytics is the only tool you should consider for your web analytics (hint: it’s free and more powerful than most paid tools out there)
- The THREE core metrics that Google Analytics uses to track how visitors behave on your site (and how this can help you easily understand 99% of what’s going on)
- How to get the exact data you need from the FOUR types of reports that Google Analytics offers (this is what’s typically called the “AABC” of web analytics)
- Tracking your users along the entire path to conversion (instead of just focusing on sales and guessing how they got there)
Get immediately download Chris Prahl – Clickminded Google Analytics Course
Mapping Google Analytics to your business
- How to translate your entire business into simple key metrics and segments (this is perhaps the most important lesson in the entire course)
- The FOUR steps to create a comprehensive measurement plan for your business (starting from high-level goals and going all the way down to analyzing specific groups of visitors)
Setting up Google Analytics the right way
- How Google Analytics “Accounts, Properties, and Views” work (and why you shouldn’t just use the default settings)
- A step-by-step walkthrough on how to correctly set up your Google Analytics from scratch in just a few minutes (we’ll literally show you where to click and which boxes to check or uncheck)
- Keeping track of each of your digital marketing campaigns inside Google Analytics
- How to use Google Tag Manager to install Google Analytics on any website (without the help of a developer)
Extracting actionable insights from Google Analytics reports
- Learn how to use Google Analytics’ most important reporting features in under 20 minutes (there are literally thousands of ways to look at a single report, but we will show you how to narrow down to view just what’s most important to you)
- Understanding WHO are your website visitors using the Audience reports (you will learn how to know exactly what EACH customer did on your site before completing their purchase)
- Analyzing WHERE your visitors are coming from using the Acquisition reports (this is super important in learning the difference the channel that drives the most traffic vs. the channel that converts the most users)
- Determining WHAT your visitors are doing on your site using the Behavior reports (and how to find the most valuable piece of content on your entire site)
- Learning how CONVERSIONS happen on your site using the Conversions report (and what’s are the most common paths to conversion)
- How to get extract the most value from these reports by analyzing segments (hint: you should probably look at customers and non-customer separately!)
Hands-on tracking tutorials
- Learn the 2 main ways to track conversions on your site (and when to use each one)
- Watch real-life examples of setting up campaign tracking, from start to finish
The Analytical Mindset
- How to avoid going into Google Analytics rabbit-holes and get the answers you want every time
- Discover 7 powerful insights you can start using immediately to get more traffic, leads, and sales
Creating Dashboards With Data Studio
- Learn how to use Google Data Studio and create powerful reporting dashboards in a few minutes
- A step-by-step walkthrough of setting up a dashboard to monitor the entire sales funnel of a real business
Troubleshooting your analytics setup
- The ONE Chrome plugin you absolutely have to use to make sure your implementation is working correctly
- Tracking your visitors across all the domains you own (you’ll probably need this if you have a membership site, use checkout software, landing page providers, or if you use an external content management system for your blog.)
- Our go-to resources for advanced analytics strategy, implementation, and troubleshooting
Advanced Google Analytics
- How to use RegEx to create powerful filters inside Google Analytics (most analytics experts use these regularly to drill down on reports)
- How to track users who have logged in to your service or platform (even if they log in using different devices or browsers)
Choose Your ClickMinded License
Web Analytics Course
This is the most actionable web analytics training course out there.
Web Analytics
Data Engineer, Trakken
As one of the premiere analytics specialists of Europe, Chris Prahl from Trakken takes us through an authoritative overview of web analytics.
Chris dives deep into what it takes to set up comprehensive tracking and shows us how to monitor laser-focused metrics that help you grow any business.
- Analytics Fundamentals
- Business Goals
- Account Structure
- Properties & Views
- Conversion Events
- Reporting
- Campaign Debugging
- Campaign Walkthroughs
- And more…
A bulletproof web analytics course syllabus.
That includes unlimited lifetime access and free updates for life.
Analytics Framework
A comprehensive overview of how web analytics work.
Goal Mapping
Tying all your business goals back to Google Analytics dashboards.
Account Setup
The step-by-step process for setting up an optimized Google Analytics account.
Event & Campaign Tracking
Confirming your properties, views and events are tracked.
A detailed overview of each step of Google Analytics reporting.
Google Analytics accounts inevitably get messed up. Here’s how to debug.
Dashboards & Advanced
Getting the most out of dashboards, using regular expressions and more.
Favorite Tools & Services
All of the additional tools and services we love and recommend with GA.
New Account From Scratch
A walkthrough of how to start a brand new account from scratch.
Who’s a good fit for ClickMinded?
We’re not for everyone. Here’s who should (and shouldn’t) enroll.
Get immediately download Chris Prahl – Clickminded Google Analytics Course
Who Should Enroll
- You want to learn everything there is to know about Google Analytics and best practices as fast as possible.
- You want lifetime access and free updates for life, because things change all the time.
- You want to save time and easily train new employees or new members of your team.
- You want to know exactly where your traffic is coming from, how well it’s converting and how to increase it.
- You have clients that are asking how they can measure their business performance or want custom reports.
- You want to join the 9,000+ other businesses using ClickMinded to optimize their Google Analytics reports.
- You’ll benefit from “over-the-shoulder” walkthroughs of technical optimization for your digital analytics.
- You want to get the ClickMinded study guide and earn the Google Analytics Individual Qualification (that you can add to LinkedIn).
Who Should Not Enroll
- You have time to teach yourself Google Analytics 360 through trial and error in order to save money.
- You keep up with changes on your own through Google Analytics academy.
- You already have a process to train employees and team mates on search engine optimization.
- You don’t need to know where your organic or Google Adwords traffic is coming from or how well it’s converting
- Your clients aren’t asking for KPIs they can use to measure their business performance.
- You don’t need anyone else and can learn Google Analytics data collection & advanced features yourself.
- You understand the technical stuff and don’t need “over-the-shoulder” real-world cawalkthroughs.
- You already have the Google Analytics Individual Qualification on your LinkedIn.
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