Gary Zukav & Linda Francis – Authentic Power
Preparing for Your Journey to Authentic Power
Have you ever been driving to an important meeting and you’re late? Traffic is stuck or someone cuts in front of you? You suddenly feel angry. Your jaw is tense, your breathing stops, and you shout at the other driver.
This Course is about what to do in moments like this. Moments when you are frustrated and you can’t get what you want.
In Week 1, you’ll discover:
- What authentic power specifically means for your life and how you can begin to cultivate it on a daily basis
- How to move beyond the control of everyday experiences – times when you suddenly get angry, withdraw emotionally or feel inferior/superior to someone
- The key to moving from being a victim in your life to being a creator, and from being an experiencer of your life to being an experimenter
Week 2: (Oct. 2)
Moving from External Power to Authentic Power
Can you imagine what it’s like to live an authentically powerful life? Not looking to others for validation or to change, but to be the author and the authority in your life, creating with love in every moment?
In this module, you will take the first step in creating authentic power every day. Creating authentic power is consciously and joyfully using everything you do and have to grow spiritually in concrete, specific and life-changing ways. It’s a celebration of who you really are.
In Week 2, you’ll discover:
- Where in your life you’re experiencing external power vs, authentic power – and how to shift to your most authentic life
- How to distinguish within yourself the difference between fear and love – and then choose love
- They keys to developing the characteristics of an Authentically Empowered Personality – and live your life with humbleness, clarity, forgiveness and love
- Tools to begin practicing the art of living abundantly from your heart and aligning your personality with your soul
– Gary Zukav & Linda Francis
Week 3: (Oct. 9)
Deepening Your Emotional Awareness
Becoming aware of your emotions is like riding a river from its source to the ocean. Along the way you run rapids, swirl in eddies, and then glide joyfully into the fullness of love.
Are you ever confused by your emotions? What if you could use them as a way to read the river and flow more effortlessly through your life?
Learning to experience and understand your emotions gives you the information you need to change how you live your life. Emotional awareness tells you when the loving and fearful parts of your personality are active.
In Week 3, you’ll discover:
- The real purpose of emotions in your life (and how to stop what you’re doing and experience what you’re feeling)
- How to practice experiencing your emotions in a new way (be prepared to learn surprising things about yourself from them!)
- How to develop emotional awareness to know exactly what is going on inside of you – in terms of physical sensations in your body – so you can consciously choose your most healthy next step
- How to recognize the fearful parts that will create painful and destructive consequences if you follow them and the loving parts that will create healthy and constructive consequences if you follow them.
-Gary Zukav & Linda Francis
Week 4: (Oct. 16)
Becoming Aware of Your Intentions
Have you ever wondered why your life turns out differently from what you intended? That outer circumstances seem to dictate how you feel and what you do?
What if you could change this and live each moment from your deepest and healthiest intentions?
Appreciating the power of intention is like a journey to the top of a mountain. Once there, you get a clear view of where you are going and how far you have come. This week introduces you to another important part of developing mastery in your life (creating authentic power). Instead of enduring or surviving your life, experiment with your life – choose your intentions before you act or speak.
In Week 4, you’ll discover:
- What intentions are and how you can choose them consciously from love – to create your life anew in every moment
- Why the intention behind your actions determines the consequences of your actions
- Practices to experiment with the intention of creating a life of meaning and purpose
- How the Law of Cause and Effect can play out in your life
- How to find your deepest intention – the one beneath all the other intentions you think you have
-Gary Zukav & Linda Francis
Week 5: (Oct. 23)
Making Responsible Choices
Are you ever confused by the many choices you face each day? Life’s journey delivers you again and again to a fork in the road. What if you could make optimal choices, the choices that your soul truly wants, choices that create authentic power?
This week you will learn about the power of choice and how to use it wisely. When you assume responsibility for your choices, your life becomes full of meaning and you can create relationships of real substance and depth.
Life is full of choices – when you take a new job, move to a new city, get married, or get divorced, your experience changes, but other choices that you hardly think about make changes in your life, too. For example, when you shout, or give thanks, that’s a choice, even if you don’t think about it as such. All of your choices create consequences for you, whether or not you are aware of those choices. That’s why it’s always important to become aware of what you are choosing.
In Week 5, you’ll discover:
- How to become aware of your choices – especially fearful, reactive ones – and choose differently and respond consciously to any situation
- How to choose consciously and constructively at each fork in the road – and transform your life for the better
- A deeper look at the Law of Attraction and the impact or consequences your choices have on yourself and others
- The meaning of responsible choice and how it can lead to a path of health, creativity and fulfillment
- How to cultivate the intention of love to create authentic power
-Gary Zukav
Week 6: (Oct. 30)
Accessing Your Intuition
Have you ever known that something was going to happen before it happened? This is your intuition bursting through your rational thinking. Once you learn to recognize and trust intuition, a whole new world opens up to you to enrich your life.
Imagine if you could consciously access the power of your intuition. Imagine the difference this would make to your day at home, at work, and with your family. Your intuition helps you stay alive and safe. It tells you to check your brakes in time to prevent an accident, or to stop at an intersection before a truck runs through the stop sign. It does many other things as well.
In this week you will learn about the power of your intuition and how to access it for all the many decisions you face. You’ll learn how to ask the right questions at the right time and listen for the answers. Intuition is perception beyond the physical senses. It’s meant to assist you.
In Week 6, you’ll discover:
- How to tap into the power of your intuition and access it for all the many decisions you face
- How to connect directly to nonphysical reality – the intelligence, wisdom and compassion of the Universe – to make choices and decide what to do
- How your intuition serves your survival, creativity and spiritual growth
- Exercises and practices to develop and refine your intuition, so you can benefit from it on a regular basis
-Gary Zukav
Week 7: (Nov. 6)
Living Your Spiritual Partnerships Everyday
Your journey so far has been focused on creating authentic power. This is an interior process, but it’s also the prerequisite for a spiritual partnership. Authentic power and spiritual partnership go together. You could say that they are different facets of a beautiful jewel that reflect the light of the sun.
In this Module you will learn how to practice creating authentic power in the company of others – your partner if you are in a couples relationship, your family members, friends and co-workers. This doesn’t require that they have taken this Course – it’s simply about sharing with them. If they are open, you can practice creating authentic power with them. If they are not, you can still create authentic power without talking about what you are doing. It’s also not necessary for them to say or do anything. Just being with you is enough.
In Week 7, you will discover:
- How to create relationships of substance and depth – the most meaningful, challenging and rewarding relationships possible
- What to do when an interaction with another activates a frightened part of your personality – and how your relationships can support you in challenging those parts
- Exercises that empower you to put into practice daily what you are learning about emotional awareness, responsible choice and intuition
- How spiritual partnerships provide countless opportunities to expand in love, experience grace, and create authentic power
- How to use power struggles in relationships to grow spiritually
- Receiving support from spiritual partners to accelerate your growth in creating authentic power
-Gary Zukav
Authentic Power Bonus Collection
Bonus #1:
Seven Video Lessons with Gary Zukav and Linda Francis
This course includes 7 Video chapters on the Online Course Platform that correspond to each of the live interactive calls with Gary Zukav and Linda Francis. By viewing the corresponding video chapters prior to the calls, you’ll be prepared for each live call and receive the maximum benefit from it. The modules include:
- Preparing for Your Journey to Authentic Power
- Moving from External Power to Authentic Power
- Deepening Your Emotional Awareness
- Becoming Aware of Your Intentions
- Making Responsible Choices
- Accessing Your Intuition
- Living Your Spiritual Partnerships Everyday
Bonus #2:
“Using Authentic Power to Co-Create a New Earth”
Audio Training with Eckhart Tolle, Gary Zukav and Linda Francis
Eckhart Tolle is the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller The Power of Now (translated into 33 languages) and the highly acclaimed follow-up A New Earth, which are widely regarded as two of the most influential spiritual books of our time. Like Gary, he’s also a featured guest on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday.
In this audio session, Gary and Linda will be talking with Eckhart about the power of presence and how it relates to Authentic Power. They will also be exploring what is unfolding on our planet, as more and more people learn about authentic power and begin co-creating a new earth. Join several of the world’s most renowned and brilliant spiritual teachers for this rare and transformative conversation!
Bonus #3:
“Authentic Power for Conscious Evolutionaries”
Audio Training with Barbara Marx Hubbard and Gary Zukav
We are evolving from a species that pursues power as the ability to manipulate and control – external power – into a species that creates authentic power – the power that comes when we align our personality with our soul. When we align our personality with our soul, we create a life of purpose, fulfillment, and joy. At it’s essence, creating authentic power is simply distinguishing love from fear within yourself, and choosing love no matter what is happening inside you or outside you. In this session, Gary and Barbara discuss the power of love and the importance of authentic power for conscious evolutionaries.
Barbara Marx Hubbard is co-founder and chairperson of the Foundation for Conscious Evolution. An evolutionary educator, speaker and social innovator, she is the author of six books communicating the new worldview of conscious evolution, including the bestselling Birth 2012 and Beyond.
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