George McCloskey, Lynne Kenney, Kathy Morris – Executive Function Mastery Course – Evidence-Based Strategies to Improve Attention, Memory Self-Regard-Regulation
Distraction, procrastination, forgetfulness, forgettable appointments, unfinished homework, distraction and problems organizing thoughts can all present daunting obstacles to You can make progress for anyone… The strategies that work well for others are also effective. to When an executive function (EF-deficit) is present, it can cause a shortfall.
Your work with individuals struggling with EF concerns may be some of your most rewarding — yet it’s often the work that leaves you the most frustrated and exhausted!
You can take the mystery out executive functions by teaching your clients how to think, learn and act. to Ensure that they take an active role in their personal development. A combined experience of Over 40 years of experience working with Executive Function, we’ve partnered with three international experts — George McCloskey, Ph.D. | Lynne Kenney, Psy.D. | Kathy Morris, M.Ed., B.S. — to This comprehensive overview will give you an insight into EFYou can also integrate multidisciplinary approaches to Encourage self-organization-Social regulation: focus, regulation-Communication, memory, and much more.
Not only will you gain efficient assessment techniques, to You’ll not only be able to determine EF strengths or weaknesses but also how to do it. to:
- Analyze the data comprehensive neuropsychological model Executive functions and how it relates to Clinical treatment
- Do your research-Activity based to Improve your thinking and self-esteem-Regulation and behavior.
- Communicate the EF deficits that are present in patients with a diagnosis. ADHD, anxiety and Autism, as well as dyslexia, ODD, and other psychological disorders..
- Visual strategies should be incorporated to Assist with the retention and reception of information Long-term memory.
You can leave this course as an OT, SLP or counselor, social worker or teacher. to Your clients who are suffering from EF deficits will see a dramatic improvement in their lives.
Download immediately George McCloskey, Lynne Kenney, Kathy Morris – Executive Function Mastery Course Evidence-Based Strategies to Improve Attention, Memory & Self-Regulation
You will be able to demonstrate your EF skills and practice by demonstrating them through videos. to You can easily merge your existing approach!
Session 1 will give you the skills and tools that you need. to You can create lasting change in the lives of executives who are chronically late, lost and unprepared.
McCloskey is a world-famous creator Executive Functions Scale (MEFS), researcher, clinician, author with over 20 years of pioneering work Executive Functions, George McCloskey, Ph.D.This article will show you how to do it. to Create customized interventions that are applicable to students and clients in multiple settings. to The classroom.
It’s practical and simple to Your clients will benefit from applying strategies:
- Time and task management are critical
- Personal organization & planning skills
- Academic and professional performance
- Physical & mental health
- Plus, much more
How to teach ADHD, anxiety, learning disabilities, oppositional tendencies, disinterest in school, and ADHD-related symptoms. to Be “Cognitive Scientists” Coaching their brains to They become more invested in school by planning, prioritizing, attending, and remembering. to learn.
Session 2 will give you interventions to Show students how to Learn more effectively while calmening their defensive brains to Lead to Improved concentration and attention, higher academic achievement, and more competent social skills.-Empathic skills.
Author, international educator and pediatric psychologist Lynne Kenney, Psy,D.This article will show you how to do it. to Incorporate the most recent research in neuroscience, kinesiology, and education for children to You can learn more quickly. Over 30 cognitively progressive and developmentally-oriented skills will be revealed to you.-Activities, worksheets, exercises to enliven your classroom.
Learn how to walk away with a smile to:
- Improve cognition
- Learn more
- Give children the opportunity to be empowered to You can be a better thinker with:
- motor movement
- sequencing
- Self-Regulating
- Memory activities
Assisting children and teenagers who are difficult to pay attention, disorganized, unable or unable make transitions. to It can be difficult to make plans. They repeatedly act out and meltdown—seemingly unaware of the consequences of their behavior. They often end up in timeouts or sent home. to the principal’s office — missing out on typical childhood experiences in school, on the playground and with their families. These children are deprived of the typical childhood experiences that they have had at home, on the playground and with their families. Executive Functioning (EF) deficits.
Good news! EF can actually be taught!
- Inhibitory Control
- Adaptability
- Mental Flexibility
- Executive Attention
- Emotional control
- Social skills
- You can also find many more!
This package includes worksheets, handouts, guided scripts, and step-by-step instructions.-By-Step-by-step instructions, this comprehensive resource will guide you to The top of your game. With over 70 activities designed to Improve your thinking and self-esteem-Your toolkit will include regulation, learning, and behavior. You’ll be able to use your creativity brain with confidence. to Create your own meaningful exercises Play now, play later… with 70 Play Activity for better brain function.
Harvard was founded on years of clinical and educational experience.-Psychologists who are trained Lynne Kenney, PsyD and Rebecca Comizio MA school psychologist-Ed, NCSP, has created brain-friendly, fun, and imaginative games-Exercises for children and teens that are based on real life to Learn how to manage your mood, attention, planning and executive function.
- Music Thinking
- Physical Activities
- Social Interaction Games
- Artmaking
- Ideal activities for the classroom or clinic
Dr. McCloskey’s 35-year experience includes teaching, research, assessment, intervention, and test development. Based on his 25-years of experience in research and teaching, and the knowledge gained from working with individuals suffering from executive function difficulties, Dr. McCloskey created a comprehensive model for executive functions. to Evaluate executive function strengths, weaknesses, and guide efforts to Encourage growth and assist with difficult situations. He consults on related issues with several school districts and private schools across the nation. to improving students’ self-Regulation capacities in the classroom, behavior management and assessment of executive functions problems to Problems with behavior and academic performance.
Dr. McCloskey was the author of the McCloskey Executive Functions Scales (MEFS) as the lead author Assessment and Intervention Executive Function Difficulties Essentials of Executive Functions Assessment His most recent writings on executive dysfunction and executive skills problems appear in Chapter 11 of this book. The Essentials of Planning, Selecting and Tailoring Interventions For Unique Learners.
Dr. Kenney received advanced fellowship training in forensic and developmental psychology at Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, and Harbor – UCLA/UCLA Medical School. She holds a Master’s Degree in Physical Education from the University of Southern California and a Doctorate in Psychology from Pepperdine.
Dr. Kenney’s books include 70 Play Activities for Better Thinking, and Self-Regulation, Learning, and Behavior Rebecca Comizio (PESI 2016), Social-Bloom Your Room – Emotional Literacy Program™ (Mrs. Beetle’s Books, 2017), Music Thinking™ (Unhooked Books, 2016), and Bloom: 50 Things to You can think and do with Anxious, Angry, and Over-The-Top Kids Wendy Young (Unhooked Books 2015). The Kinetic Classroom is her professional development platform. It combines executive function education with cognitive stimulation.-Motor movement to Worldwide, educators and clinicians.