Jin Shin Jyutsu – Self Help Practitioner-Part I
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The Art of Living – Trinity Class Video Series
Thorough instruction included on 15 DVD’s, (over 22 hours), of an actual hands-on class in Jin Shin Jyutsu®, taught by Pamela Markarian Smith. Students are guided from Basic to Advanced Practitioner, plus more information for Self-Help. You will reach the next level after learning from a foremost authority in the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu®. Textbooks 1 & 2, plus a Reference Handbook are included. Also included (or can be purchased separately) is the DVD & booklet, “The Art Of Living Self-Help Program”.
Price: $550.00
The Art of Living
Self-Help Program
This hour long DVD program will give you an overview of Jin Shin Jyutsu®, and takes a look at the History & Philosophy of this powerful healing art. Learn Numbers 1 – 26, located on the front and back of the body. Read energy flow patterns and utilize Self-Help flows. Booklet included.
Price: $35.00
Jin Shin Institute
Reference Poster
This 18″ x 24″ laminated poster is a quick visual reference for students and practitioners. The information displayed includes the location of Numbers 1-26 on the body, the Three Main Vital Flows (The Trinity), the Ancient Number Meanings, Relationship of Fingers and Toes to the Attitudes and Depths, and the Six Depths of Creation at the Universal Level, plus much more.
Price: $25.00
Jin Shin Institute 6 Depths with Pulses Treatment Guide
This 18″ x 24″ laminated poster is a quick visual reference for advanced practitioners who own the “Trinity Class Video Series”, which it directly references. Reinforce important concepts, such as the Principals of Order & Adjustment to Achieve Order, the Trinity Pattern Pulses 3 in 1, the Numbers & Their Depths, Pulses for 12 Organ Flows & Their Depths, the Lumbar Circle, and much more.
Price: $38.00
(The Trinity Class Video Series is a pre-requisite. See above.)
We are currently in production on the “Trinity Manual Textbook III – Advanced”. This volume will include an advanced explanation of pulse levels and their depths, from source to individual. Also a technique called “scanning” will help to verify and clarify the pulses through the understanding of textures (tissue) and weight distribution. Plus, additional information requested by the students and practitioners. We will announce the release date when we are near completion; until then, thank you for your patience!
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