Lamar Davis – Original Jeet Kune Do Complete 8/20 – Energy /Sensitivity II
This volume is a continuation of the work that was started in the previous volume. You will go further into your energy/sensitivity training, learning more about possible responses to an opponent’s energy. This is necessary in order for there to be no hesitation in a fight situation, especially when things get “up close and personal” during a conflict. Often there will be no time to “think” about what you must do, and you will instead have to just act, based on what you feel. The more training that you have in these drills, the more prepared you will be for close range conflict. May fighters will “freeze up” in these situations, giving the assailant all the time that they need to finish the fight. Why become the victim when you can respond almost effortlessly, without thought and end the fight? As Bruce Lee said in his movie Enter The Dragon, “Don’t think … feel!”
Basic Five-Way Energy Drill (Forward Energy – Tan Da, Upward Energy – Woang Pak Da/Low Hit, Inward Energy – Inner Lop/Qua Chuie, Downward Energy – Rear Pak/Chung Chuie, Outward Energy – Pak Sao Chung Chuie)
Woang Pak Drill
Practical Application of Woang Pak Drill
Inner Lop Sao/Palm Hit/Roll Drill
Jut Sao/Straight Punch/Roll Drill
Mixed Lop Sao/Jut Sao Roll Drills
Boang Sao/Lop Sao Roll Drill (with All Switches)
Practical Application of Boang Sao/Lop Sao Roll Drill
Don Chi Sao (Single Arm Sticking Hands)
Crossed Arm Chi Sao
Seong Chi Sao (Double Arm Sticking Hands)
Strengthening Drills for Chi Sao Arm Positions
Tan Sao Wedge Drill
Practical Application of Tan Sao Wedge Drill
Tai Chi Push Hands (Single & Double)
Practical Application of Tai Chi Push Hands
Closing Discussion On Energy/Sensitivity Training
Resolution*: 634 x 480
Running Time Approx: 1 hour 50 mins
*This video comes from a VHS converted to DVD converted to Digital. Every effort was made to keep the quality high and at DVD resolution but there was not a lot of editing so you may see static and VHS commands on the screen – especially at the beginning and end of the video.
This instructional video series on Bruce Lee’s Original Jeet Kune Do was in the making over a long period of time. My goal was to present the most in-depth and complete guide to training in Bruce Lee’s fighting methods ever completed. What resulted was this twenty volume set. It was originally filmed on VHS, then later converted to DVD when VHS suddenly found itself outdated. What will never become outdated, however, is the material shown and taught on these videos. The material taught and demonstrated on these videos comes from all three of Bruce Lee’s major schools in the United States (Seattle, Oakland and L.A. Chinatown). It is by far the most complete presentation of this material, and will probably remain so for all of time! It represents my life’s work in Jun Fan Gung Fu and Jeet Kune Do, and will stand for all of time as my body of work to preserve Bruce Lee’s original teaching, training and fighting methods. I hope you find this material useful (and entertaining), and that you can get something from it that may one day save your life or the life of a loved one! If that happens, then it has served its purpose! – Sifu Lamar M. Davis II
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