Life Mastery Guilds – 3 Pillars of Enlightenment meditation course
3 Pillars of Enlightenment
. All 3 Complete Attunement and Activation Sets
Meditation Mastery Activations
Psychic Mastery Activations
The Esoteric Warriors
“3 Pillars of Enlightenment” plus 3 Attunements Full Price: $1950
Special package price: Activations “Meditation Mastery,” “Psychic Mastery,” “the Esoteric Warrior” The Attunements and the appropriate Attunements are coordinated to each specific configuration. “tuning” of Your “being.” : $649
Please note: We are in high demand “the 3 Pillars of Enlightenment” At present, seekers and practitioners will be added on to our waiting lists. Each Activation requires a specific Attunement to be able to coordinate with the unique compositions. “whole being” of Each practitioner must ensure that enough Master teachers are available for the 21-day required training. “the 3 Pillars of Enlightenment” Attunements.
. To apply, contact us
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