Lion Goodman – Basic Clear Your Beliefs
For Lion Goodman Basic Clear Your Beliefs
In this powerful audio with author and transformational coach, Lion Goodman, we learn:
1. Who he is, and his own personal journey of evolution
2. The true definition of a “belief”
3. Why healthy beliefs are foundational to achieving one’s life vision
4. How our subconscious mind works to help us (or hinder us) in achieving our life vision
5. Where limiting beliefs come from
6. How to know if you have a limiting belief in an area of your life, and tools to help you uncover them
7. Some of the most common limiting beliefs Lion’s seen around living an extraordinary life
8. How to truly transform your beliefs, without feeling phony, inauthentic or conflicted
9. The benefits of upgrading your belief system
10. And much more!
If you’d like to learn even more about transforming your beliefs to support the achievement of your Life Vision, see below…
Click here to learn more about the Clear Your Beliefs program and receive $50 off with the promo code “lifebook”
Lion Goodman is CEO of Luminary Leadership Institute, an accelerated initiatory program for leaders of businesses and organizations, and has 40 years experience as a seasoned coach and businessman. He is also the creator of Clear Your Beliefs, a proprietary methodology for shifting beliefs at the core of the psyche, which he has taught to hundreds of coaches, therapists and healers around the world.
He is the author of Clear Your Beliefs; Creating on Purpose: The Spiritual Technology of Manifesting (with Anodea Judith); Menlightenment: A Book for Awakening Men; and dozens of articles on consciousness, beliefs, psychology, and inner development.
Lion has studied psychology, neurology, spirituality, philosophy, and the principles of success throughout his life. Lion has taught workshops and trainings across the U.S., Central America, and Europe. With his partner, Carista Luminare, Ph.D., he offers programs to help couples evolve their relationships, and create deeply secure, passionate partnerships in life and business.
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