Mewing World – Natural Harmonization of Face
Mewing World – Natural Harmonization of Face: A program or method focusing on mewing, a technique aimed at improving facial structure and harmony through tongue posture and jaw alignment. The approach emphasizes natural methods to enhance facial aesthetics, potentially impacting jawline definition, teeth alignment, and overall facial symmetry.
Friends! You can join the course at any time, it’s in the record, you study in a convenient for you schedule. Access is granted for 1 year starting on the date. of payment.
Daily feedback from Lilia, my coworker-Autor of This course, the author of Russia’s most popular blog about cranial Biomechanics and how it relates to our posture and occlusion. You can contact me individually with any questions. Amir and Svetlana are my assistants.
What can you expect from this course?
The first section of the course is devoted directly to mewing — we will restore the correct function of After you have examined the body, you will be able to learn manual osteopathic techniques to remodel the position of The bones of Techniques and the facial skull of Cranial gymnastics can be used to relax dura mater and make the process more efficient.
All techniques were approved and certified by two osteopaths, two orthocraniodontists as well as a gnathologist.-posturologist.
Contraindications to the use of the techniques: neuralgia of All types, including intercostal neurogia, inflammatory process in the acute period, postoperative period and severe cases of TMD, mental illness. /*In the case of Mild TMD should allow your mouth to open with at least two fingers. You should feel tension in your occipital region or suboccipital muscles at the same moment. This is considered a contraindication.
Deep bite + a very narrow palate + strong teeth crowding on the lower arch is the contraindication too (as it’s obviously an undianosed TMD case).
If you have crowded teeth, you should fix it by a doctor as our techniques can help with the jaws’ position fixing (It improves the bite).But not with aligning teeth. Interoral face pulling is possible in this instance. You should also consider implantation if you have missing teeth. of They should be done as soon as possible. You can see two posts on missing and crowded dentures on my page. Exemples and details. We are also available to discuss your situation in dm.
Not all cases are the same. of Deep bite, cranial rotation with strong torsion of A complementary action is the lower jaw of adjusting the occlusional height pads is necessary.
Anna, my colleague shows you how to use cranial sutures to attach bones to soft tissue. It can also speed up the process. of Harmonizing the face.
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