Michael Davis Golzmane – Lightworker Ascension Clearing
Heavy frequencies of worry about money, guilt, and feeling that we have to strive with our egos to create our destinies-these are all burdens many lightworkers carry, and they can impede our spiritual progress-and our abilities to manifest.
This 71-minute clearing will focus on releasing blocks that are keeping you “earth-bound” by the dense frequencies of negativity, and will help you open to a clear, balanced, grown-up relationship to your true spiritual power.
This clearing will focus on holistic balance, integration, having clear energy boundaries, and coming into our true power as Divine Beings living on Earth.
Included in this clearing will be clearing of inner challenges around money, control, and power, inner child healing, and simple mind practices, channeled directly from Spirit, to help you maintain connection and clearing on a daily basis.
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