NICABM – Why the Vagal System Holds the Key to the Treatment of Trauma
How Polyvagal Theory can Strengthen Yourself Trauma Collaborate with clients
With Polyvagal Theory, you can track trauma’s impact on the Nervous system to Speed up healing and reduce symptoms
And once you know how trauma impacts your patient’s nervous system, you can adapt interventions to You will be more efficient and faster.
That’s why we’re bringing you this short, focused course (at a discount) . . .
Why the Vagal System Holds the Key to the Treatment of Trauma
Stephen Porges, PhD
- Trauma survivors are so vulnerable because of their neural breakdown to future trauma
- One simple strategy to inhibit a client’s physiological response to Threat
- Why Some people are more able than others to feel safe again after trauma
- Three crucial points the Head and facial muscles activated to calm a fear response
- How neuroception can help fuel a client’s irrational thoughts and behavior
- How trauma affects you the hierarchy of the nervous system’s response
- Why are clients with a history of trauma so vulnerable? to trigger-behavior loops
- Trauma can cause trauma the Nervous system to Do not be too sensitive to Dangers
- How to Active the part of the Nervous system that fosters social engagement
- How to shift a client’s physiological state to They should be moved out of Shut down
Here’s What You Will Get:
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Make sure to mark it Professionally-Formatted transcript of the session
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Here’s what you can expect in the new book NICABM – Why the Vagal System Holds the Key to the Treatment of Trauma
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