Sasha – The Direct Daygame Bible and Mission Pack
Price: $96
The Direct Daygame Bible is the combined wisdom of all Sasha’s years of Social Freedom and Direct Dating experience that uncovers the secrets of meeting and approaching women anytime, anywhere.
Each chapter builds core fundamental skills; from overcoming approach anxiety, stopping a woman on the street the right way, knowing exactly what to say to start the conversation, creating a deep connection, all the way to texting her to get her on that first date, and even managing multiple relationships! This is the only book on meeting women in everyday situations you’ll ever need!
The BONUS content includes the very same Social Freedom exercises that we teach on our multi-thousand dollar live courses, as well as a free 1 MONTH subscription to Online Coaching Access.
The Direct Daygame Bible
The Direct Daygame Bible: Bonus Mission Pack
The Top 10 Approach Anxiety Annihilation Exercises
30 FREE days of Online Community Access
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