Serge Berger – Options Income Secrets
Option Income Secrets Course
Option Income Secrets: The One Strategy that Consistently Generates Profits in any Market Condition
This is a 5 part video course and accompanying eBook explaining in detail the very best monthly options income-generating strategy that Serge has developed and fine-tuned over his career.
You will learn:
Why most investors fundamentally use options the wrong way
How to use options for monthly income generation
How this strategy makes money more than 80% of the time
How this strategy can be used as a standalone strategy or as a supplemental strategy
How to switch your mindset and start thinking about ‘where the market is most likely Not To Go
Why perfect timing is Not Necessary for this strategy
Diversifying the strategy among sectors, industries and asset classes
Rolling options trades
Where to take profits and how to risk-manage the strategy for monthly income
and much more!
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