Stone River Elearning – Learn the Unity 3D Shuriken Particle System
Learn how to create game effects with the famous Shuriken Particle System on Unity 3D.
Create awesome particle effects with Unity 3Ds Shuriken Particle system. Send rockets blazing into space, create muzzle blast shooting effects, create particle emitters and much more.
This course seeks to teach students how to work with the Shuriken Particle System in Game development. The lectures include working with textures and voxels, emitters, modules, smoke plumes and muzzle flashes; all of which are crucial to the success of any game development projects.
Course Curriculum
Shuriken Particle System
- Introduction (0:35)
- Sprites, Voxels and Textures (2:02)
- Creating an Emitter (10:09)
- Working with Modules (2:02)
- Creating Jet Fire (14:54)
- Creating Smoke Plumes (2:02)
- Muzzle Flashes (6:46)
- Bringing It All Together (2:02)
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