Suzanne Giesemann – Let Your Spirit S.O.A.R.
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You may have taken courses that focus on soul growth in the past, but never like this online course!
“S.O.A.R! is a very comprehensive, powerful course that facilitates getting to know your Spirit self. (Yes, different than our human self!) I have been a seeker most of my life and I was blown away by the high-level content taught in a very easy to grasp way. Suzanne is a wonderful educator and storyteller and the workbook exercises led to many profound insights. I highly recommend this course.” Ann B.
You may have taken courses that focused on soul growth in the past, but never like this! Suzanne Giesemann’s unique methods give core spiritual and metaphysical concepts a practical, playful twist, providing even the most experienced spiritual seeker real “Aha!” moments.
Using the S.O.A.R. acronym she connects the dots to illustrate a clear path to greater awakening, sharing techniques for instantly and easily bringing into practice the right ideas and tools you need at any given moment. The result is not just more love and peace in every moment, but total transformation.
There is no particular order for the courses. Each is its own stand-alone course. Let You Spirit S.O.A.R! is focused on finding just the right spiritual tool at any time to remember and rekindle one’s connection with Spirit. It builds upon the foundation of understanding our dual nature as human and spirit.
Your Emerging Soul focuses more on specific tools for releasing our identification with our story and lessening suffering. It helps us to see with the eyes of the soul and respond to situations from a higher perspective.
Both courses are very powerful. Ask your spirit guides if you should start with one or the other and you will feel a pull to their answer.
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