The Optimal Wellness Course
Module 1: YOUR BODY
With Andrea Nakayama
In this module you’ll experience three weeks that will get your body to a place of supreme jewel-like clarity, where you can experience a whole new level of energy and joy.
Andrea will lead you through your own personal detox, which she makes fun, exciting, informative and delicious.
This easy detox simply means learning about and avoiding the foods that are slowing you down as you eat more of the delicious foods that bring you vitality. You’ll learn why you’ll be removing certain foods to support both your ability to balance weight, conquer cravings, sleep more soundly and have more energy and clarity throughout the day.
And you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of which foods accelerate your body’s aging and which repair the bones, muscles and digestive capabilities for improved physical performance and younger looking skin. Andrea will set you up for a dietary transformation that can last a lifetime.
After this 21-day detox immersion, you’ll feel better than you have in a long time (you’ll feel like yourself again!), and you’ll have a toolbox of new recipes and habits that will enable you to maintain a healthier lifestyle in the months and years to come.
Most importantly, you’ll feel lighter, stronger and more focused to achieve your goals of personal and spiritual transformation.
In Module 1, you’ll discover how to:
- Boost your mental clarity
- Decrease fatigue so you start feeling energized
- Lower your stress levels with food
- Manage your weight loss with ease and success
- Reduce the inflammation that leads to achy joints, muscles and other chronic health conditions
- Improve your physical performance
- Create younger looking skin
Week 1: Conquer Your Cravings: Get Smart About Sugar (April 26)
The evidence is in – sugar is toxic. The #1 toxin to remove from your diet to extinguish the fires of inflammation is sugar. Sugar negatively affects everything from your heart to your brain to your joints.
Andrea will explain how sugar accelerates aging and weakens your immunity. Sugar can make you feel sluggish, moody and even make your skin look dull and dehydrated.
You’ll ease into your 21-day detox by learning about the scrumptious substitutes to feed your sweet tooth without the onslaught of negative effects.
In Week 1, you’ll discover:
- How sugar affects your body and brain… and what to do about it
- How to read labels the right way
- Ingredients to make you beware, and some sneaky sugar substitutes
- Restocking your pantry with snack foods you can savor
- Making healthy treats that satisfy your taste buds
Week 2: Quell Inflammation: What’s Gotten Into Your Gluten? (May 3)
Eliminating gluten from your diet is a sure-fire way to reduce inflammation and heal all sorts of chronic issues like arthritis and gout. This protein found in some grains has been known to wreak havoc on one’s digestion and mental health.
You’ll be surprised at how fatigue disappears and how sharp your thinking can be. And, you might just watch some pounds melt away too!
But removing gluten isn’t easy. It requires guidance and support.
In Week 2, you’ll discover:
- Why gluten creates allergies in people
- How gluten affects your digestion, mental health and hormonal balance
- Safe and healthy grains to eat instead
- How you can feel great about getting off the gluten train
Week 3: Manage Your Metabolism: Dairy, Dairy, Quite Contrary (May 10)
Milk products have been highly altered in our lifetime. Dairy is now a substance that is loaded with toxins – antibiotics, hormones and other additives. Yikes!
In addition we’ve become a fat-phobic society and so we alter our dairy products by removing the very substances that help mitigate the sugars. – Not good.
Most people don’t think of dairy as something that slows them down, but you’d be surprised. Just to cut out dairy offers you a lot of mental clarity and can really improve your performance.
In Week 3, you’ll discover:
- Is dairy actually a good source of calcium or is that a propaganda myth?
- Why eating dairy can hurt you, especially as you age
- How to determine if dairy works for you and your body or if it’s resulting in problems
- If you do eat dairy, how to know which kinds are best
Module 2: YOUR MIND
With Dr. Norm Shealy
The core question at the heart of this program is: “What would it take for you to choose healthy habits?”
Most people don’t know how to answer this. They know exactly what they should be doing to stay healthy, and yet they continually make less than optimal choices…choices that land them in the doctor’s office as they age.
So why is that? The results are in: 97% of people don’t have four of the most basic health habits:
- Body mass index 18 to 24 (30% of people have this one)
- No smoking (74% have this one)
- Eating 5 servings of fruits and/or vegetables daily (25% have this one)
- Exercise a MINIMUM of 30 minutes 5 days a week (Only 10% of people!)
And these are only just a few of the daily health requirements you need, including adequate sleep, positive attitude, a good social network and a strong spiritual foundation.
A recent article in the New York Times gave Norm the number one answer as to why people make the choices they do: conscientiousness! An 80-year study of longevity has shown that conscientiousness is the single greatest factor in HEALTH and LONGEVITY.
Because of this, Norm has now devoted his life to studying, teaching and sharing conscientiousness. This module will ramp up your commitment so you really start to reap the BENEFITS of optimal wellness – when you feel and look your best!
Week 4: The Foundation of Longevity (May 17)
Bliss is a state of surrender, happiness and total freedom from anxiety. It requires an active oxytocin system. Most of you know that oxytocin is best known as the “love hormone” – it’s strong in you when you feel peaceful, affectionate, relaxed and even passionate.
If you did not get grounded in oxytocin production in the first 7 years of life, you can still rejuvenate your oxytocin mechanism. This week you’ll find out how to literally FEEL MORE LOVE!
In Week 4, you’ll discover:
- How to trigger the feelings of bliss and freedom in your body
- How oxytocin leads to an ageless body
- The connection between love and your own hormones
- How oxytocin amplifies your radiant health and ability to heal
Week 5: Making More of the “Love Drug” (May 24)
Your magical stores of oxytocin that are so abundant in youth get depleted as you age. If you don’t pay attention and start to renew your system, recovery won’t happen all on its own.
Physical exercise, massage, saunas and sex are all tools for restoring the oxytocin system. What you eat is also essential, so this week we will examine how to live, eat and practice on a daily basis to get the blissed-out hormones flowing!
In Week 5, you’ll discover:
- The best practices for getting your oxytocin amped up and flowing
- What exactly oxytocin does for your body and how to make more of it
- How to recover from oxytocin depletion
Week 6: The Power of Your Attitude (May 31)
Attitude, attitude, attitude determines the habits you choose. As Abraham Lincoln once said, “I reckon a person is as happy as they make up their mind to be.”
Every day in every way you can become better and better, if you choose and if you practice. You can retrain your brain. You aren’t permanently stuck with conditions like anxiety and worry unless you want to be!
So here you’ll discover just how to do it, and maintain the results you get.
In Week 6, you’ll discover:
- How to upgrade your brain
- How attitude makes habits-and how to shift both
- How to get more bliss out of life-everyday!
With Joan Borysenko, PhD
Burnout. It’s the number one health issue people are having today. Due to stress, overwork, poor dietary choices, overwhelm and other factors, the body-mind goes into burnout.
It’s not just a term. It’s a physiological condition. And it’s a real dilemma that creates terrible fatigue, a lack of inspiration, depression and a number of other physical issues like weak ligaments and poor digestion.
Burnout also affects your emotions. And so often people don’t even REALIZE that they are burned out! They just get grumpy or withdrawn.
In this module you’ll go deep into the reasons you get stressed, as well as discover how to be guided back into the inner conversation that will remedy the problem. You’ll discover how forgiveness can reestablish emotional security, and how this in turn affects the body.
If you’ve ever wondered just how the body-mind connection works, this module is where you’ll get all the answers! Joan Borysenko is a Harvard trained cellular biologist, so she will help you understand exactly what happens in your body and how to overcome it with grace.
Week 7: The Link Between Your Emotions and Stress (June 14)
This week will delve into the truth about stress, and you won’t want to miss this because it’s Joan’s expertise. You’ll take a look at being fried. Burned out. How do you get into a state of adrenal fatigue in the first place… but more importantly, how do you get out of it?
You’ll understand how illness and stress can be guides back to the present, back to a healthy lifestyle, back to the soul, back to an experience of heaven on earth.
You’ll also take a look at the pathways through which your emotions and beliefs become embodied. You’ll discover information about neuro-hormones and immune function, and you’ll also understand the release of immune elements that predispose you to illness.
In Week 7, you’ll discover:
- Spiritual principles that can help you become “stress hardy”
- Tools to manage your emotions in order to increase your resilience to illness
- How to use stress and burnout to get on the road to feeling good again
- How to recognize and overcome “New Age Guilt” and simplistic thinking in regards to the mind-body connection
Week 8: Training Your Brain for Happiness (June 21)
With all the new information on the brain, Joan will share the latest research and most cutting-edge insights that will empower and inspire you to lead a truly happy life and reduce fear and anxiety.
There are studies now that show how meditation, exercise, delaying gratification and the use of mind-training techniques all strengthen the connections in your brain. This week Joan will share this groundbreaking work.
In Week 8, you’ll discover:
- Tools and practices to bring the most happiness and wellbeing to your life
- The best way to calm down your fight-or-flight response
- How to subdue fear instantly, and bring about ease and peace
- Mind-training practices to increase your resilience and the connections in your brain
Week 9: The Power of Forgiveness to Heal Your Body (June 28)
One of the most active areas of research in integrative medicine is in the link between forgiveness and health. An interesting research tidbit: 94% of people believe that forgiveness is a good thing for their health and peace of mind. But only 48% have tried it.
Your conditioning is always pushing you to improve – judging the parts of yourself that are not yet developed. While your soul is ruthless in pointing out your conditioning, it is as loving as the Great Mother – encouraging the still sleeping parts of you to wake up and shine.
This is a deeply transformative week, sure to support your metamorphosis into the very best you!
In Week 9, you’ll discover:
- The power of forgiveness and its direct correlation to your health and wellbeing
- What you gain (and lose) by holding on to grudges
- The misconceptions of forgiveness that prevent people from experiencing it (and how it differs from reconciliation)
- A soul practice that opens the door to forgiveness of self and others
With Dr. Elliot S. Dacher, M.D.
Spiritual development accelerates your attainment of optimal wellness. How? It’s because your mind-body connection is truly the source of your health.
What begins in your mind, ends in your body. When you strengthen your spiritual practice, you strengthen your health, and even more, you strengthen your resolve to be healthy.
Dr. Elliott S. Dacher M.D. is a renowned internal medicine practitioner and teacher. You’ll be in good hands as you strengthen your spiritual senses, and spread your wings!
Week 10: The Practice of Meditation and Mind Training (July 5)
Spiritual development propels the attainment of your optimal wellness.
In Week 10, you’ll receive step-by-step instructions and experiential exercises for you to begin or strengthen your meditation practice and mind training – the foundation of your own human flourishing. These practices will be progressively expanded and refined in each session.
In Week 10, you’ll discover:
- Practices that will lead you deeper into peace than you’ve ever been before
- Ancient wisdom teachings to develop your mind-body-spirit connection
- What is integral health/optimal wellness really?
Week 11: Authentic Happiness and Inner Peace (July 12)
We all want resilient and enduring happiness and inner peace. What this requires spiritually is to progressively remove the obscuring clouds of an overactive mind in order to reveal your true nature.
Wise healers have left us the knowledge and practices that enable us to accomplish this. This session will examine the root sources of the overactive/afflicted mind and explore practices that allow you to break through these disabling mental patterns.
This will open you to exploring your spiritual nature whose essence is an enduring happiness and peace.
In Week 11, you’ll discover:
- What is human flourishing? How can YOU best flourish?
- Tools and practices to help you break through disabling mental patterns
- How you can redefine health to be consistent with its traditional aim as a “state-of-being” rather than merely a state-of-biology
Week 12: Spiritual Practice in Daily Life: Relationships and Work (July 19)
By using your life experiences as sources of spiritual practice, you expand the scope of your practice and simultaneously integrate it into daily life. This session will focus on how relationships and work can become spiritual practices.
We will also complete this final session by examining how to create and sustain a lifelong program of spiritual development, the foundational basis of your optimal wellness.
In Week 12, you’ll discover:
- How to invite optimal wellness to be present throughout your life, including through aging, disease and death
- How you can create and sustain a lifelong program of spiritual development
Bonus #1 Audio Workshop:
“Living Your Most Authentic Life: How to Turn Life’s Difficulties into Labor Pains of Self-Birth”
With Dr. Bernie Siegel
Dr. Bernie Siegel will join Dr. Joan Borysenko for a lively dialogue on living your most authentic life and turning life’s difficulties into labor pains of self-birth. There’s no way around human challenges – all of us encounter these along our path. But we can find a way to keep being re-born, living our lives with deep meaning and satisfaction, even with pain. Bernie is one of the original pioneers in integrative medicine, and if you haven’t yet heard him speak – or even if you have – you’re in for a real treat with this bonus audio download.
Bonus # 2 Live Workshop:
“Detox your Mind” With Lion Goodman
In this session, Lion Goodman will guide you through his acclaimed belief-change method called The BeliefCloset Process that will assist you in releasing old beliefs hidden in your subconscious that interfere with your optimal health.
You’ll examine and eliminate the beliefs that are programmed into you about your body, your health, your habits, aging, and life itself. Discard these beliefs that have held you back and embrace those that support your radiant well being!
Once you learn the BeliefCloset Process, you can use it to shift ANY belief that no longer serves you – in your relationships, money, work, or wherever beliefs have you stuck!
In this session you will:
- Identify long held beliefs that hold you back from optimal wellness
- Release your subconscious attachment to beliefs that no longer serve you
- Consciously choose empowering beliefs to take forward into your thriving life
- Learn a powerful tool to change your beliefs any time
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