Veronika – Complete Submission
Would you prefer your lover to not turn down the type of sex that you really desire…
In the bedroom, you can ask your lover for anything without even asking!
No manipulation
No awkwardness
No questions
No debates
Get your instant download Veronika – Complete Submission
No forcefulness
No bribery
Let your lover quietly follow your lead, and you will have a loving relationship.
How does this work for me?
Do not ask your partner to try something new. (This creates resistance).
I’m going to show you how to guide her through your ideas without the need to ask her at all.
You need to get her to do more and more sex every time you have sex with her until there is no stopping!!
And I’ve broken these crazier and crazier things down into simple numbered steps for you to guide her through quickly and effortlessly!
You just need to follow each step confidently and your lover will open up before your eyes.
Non-violent dominance and submission are best.-Verbally, because there’s a lot to these ideas that can trigger resistance and excuses in many people.
If your lover gives you lots of excuses for why she can’t try your ideas, first make sure you aren’t doing any of these:
Resentful at her for not trying
You might be making judgments about girls.
Begin to get her to try something different
Getting angry when you don’t get what you want
Acting jealous
Don’t let life pass by, and don’t chase your dreams.
Remember that there are only two main reasons your lover might not do what you ask or have sex.
1. You’re not as attractive to her now as she was once!
2. She is only very concerned about your desires.
Complete Submission These problems can be fixed!
Here’s what you’ll get in Veronika – Complete Submission
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